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CTH 450.1.1.4

Citatio: M. Kapełuś (ed.), CTH 450.1.1.4 (TX 16.02.2011, TRen 16.02.2011)

§ 9
44 -- [They take] off the statue from the s[itting]-chariot.
45 -- [and] brin[g it] into the ten[t].
46 -- [They set it up on the golden throne].
47 -- [B]ut if (it is) a woma[n],
48 -- [they set] it [up] on [gold] hassalli-b[enches].
Ergänzung nach KUB 30.24 Vs. II 14ff. (CTH 450.1.1.2).

Editio ultima: Textus 16.02.2011; Traductionis 16.02.2011